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Sat Mar 17, 2007
We have decided to take in a 96 Subaru Outback that a coworker of mine just wanted to get rid of. It needs plenty of work, but is basically a good running, good driving, and good looking vehicle. We needed a station wagon anyway. It has 201,000 miles and still runs great (a good sign that the engine was taken care of), but needs some exhaust work (it has a large leak near the rear muffler), and possibly brake and suspension work. The check engine light is on, so I'll need to investigate that too. The tires probably won't pass inspection either. Yeah, that's a lot of stuff - but for 100 bones, it's still a smoking deal. I never would have guessed that I'd find a car for that cheap that I could actually drive home.

$100 Subaru Outback $100 Subaru Outback

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A1 parts for sale:
intake air preheater hose
Item: Intake air pre-heat hose (from exhaust manifold shroud to air box), for Scirocco 2 (1982+)
Condition: New

A2 parts for sale:
A2 GTI dual round grill, with inner lights
Item: GTI dual-round grille with inner lights, bulbs, and lower trim strip
Condition: Used, lower trim strip is weathered.

parcel shelf strap
Item: Parcel shelf strap, 3 available
Condition: New
$3.50 ea.

A2 valve guides, 8 valve
Item: 8 (eight) valve guides, German, standard size, for 8 valve head
Condition: New

wheel cylinder
Item: Wheel cylinder (for rear drums, obviously), 2 available.
Condition: New
$12 ea.

A3 parts for sale:
parcel shelf strap
Item: Parcel shelf strap, 3 available
Condition: New
$3.50 ea.

A4 parts for sale:
ALH water pump
Item: OEM Water pump, ALH engines
Condition: Used, 130,000 miles